Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010


On the way back to Dubai. This was shot in Fujairah. Great sunset!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Yesterday, i was told there was a great location to shoot the Burj, ive been living here 23 years and yet you always explore in life ...

Burj Al Arab

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mina Salam

Mina Salam, in Dubai

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wild Rouche

Well, here we go again to Rouche, i felt like taking more pictures of Rouche(night shots), after i saw few pics, i felt like coming there everyday and take more pics. Stayed there for almost 4 hours shooting straight none stop. atleast we got the pics we needed.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pub in Leb!

Well this street is crazy, full of pubs and clubs. Make sure you dont walk out there unless your wasted ;)

Jumaizeh in leb!

Rousheh =)

Again im here in lebanon, met again with the photographer George. This picture was shot in Rouche at night. We got those amazing mixture of colours. Love it!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

My trip to France

Actually i took this picture awhile back, about two years back or so! i believe its a great picture to share! Love it!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life in A.U.B

Shot this in A.U.B, well what i did i had many shots there, Basically life in A.U.B , there will be alot of posts soon i promise you. I kept on running to people i dont know and asked them if they can pose for me for few photos. Ofcourse many people said no, and some said yes. Thank you to the girl whos in shot =) lets hope she sees it .
Taken by: Rami Y
Edited by: Rami Y


Before landing, got this picture, i was lucky to have this seat on the plane to get this shot. Well this is Beirut, its a lovely city, wild and crazy. Make sure you go there one day!
Taken By: Rami Y
Edited By: Ashleigh

More Pictures Of Burj Al Arab

Palm Jumeriah from the top

Took this Picture while i was heading to Beirut, i was lucky to have those great shots. Well for people who didn't know how Palm Jumeriah looked from the top, here they are =)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Palm Jumierah Villas

Well this is where I live,love the scenery, woke up early that day, and felt like shooting,there will be more post of Palm pictures =)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Beauty Of Lebanon

Harrisa, its 40 minutes far away from Beyrouth, we took of me and George, and started driving, he got loads of ideas, with great locations for shooting, we ended up shooting in Harrisa, we couldn't believe the beauty of lebanon that day.
Thanks to George for the help. =), one of my favorites

Aub Cat =)

The cat, felt sorry for the cat, when I got the camera, literary the cat started posing, it was cute.


Heading back to Beyrouth, we stopped and started shooting, loved the sunset so it was a great picture to share

Me in black shadows

Me doing Yoga

The idea of that picture, is to feel free, and let all your problems go away, felt great, Sometimes you need Yoga in your life.
Taken by: George
Shot: In lebanon, Harrisa
Taken by: Rami Y,
In Lebanon

Burj Al Arab

Burj Al Arab from the top.

This picture was shot, while i was heading to Beyrouth, got my camera and started taking pictures, Remember always get your cams.

Taken by: Rami Y.

Edited by : Ashleigh

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The beauty of Emirates Airlines

Landed in Dubai airport, got back from lebanon , it wasn't really allowed to take pictures there, but ofcourse it didn't stop me of taking some at least, love to watch the planes taking off, Emirates Airlines.

Rafic Harriri Mosque.

Rafic Harriri Mosque, Lebanon . A lot of people have heard of him, and how he died. Sad story, he was buried next to his Mosque (Rafic Harriri)
Taken by: Rami Y
Edited by: Ashleigh